
Harvard's only Delegate Will Still Back McGovern

San Francisco--ark A. Carter '85 is disillusioned with the Democrats. After a day and a half as Harvard's only student delegate to the Democratic National Convention, Carter says he has been unimpressed by party leaders he has met here.

"The Democrats have slumping leader ship," he said. "I see a lot of leaders that have a real message, a real character, a real force. But I don't see the kind of leadership the party needs."

Barring a major fluke. Carter's man, former Senator George M. McGovern, will not be the man to provide our leadership, but Carter intends to help put him up for nomination anyway.

McGovern had nearly two dozen delegates when he finished a strong third in the Massachusetts primary on March 13.

Those were the only delegates he was to earn; he honored a pledge to withdraw if he did not finish first or second, and brought his campaign to an end. Carter gained his delegate spot in Cambridge--where McGovern won a majority--because of his post as McGovern's state youth coordinator.


But even if McGovern's campaign ended March 15, Carter said he is still commited to the one-time party nominee for President.

Carter will vote for the South Dakotan unless Walter F. Mondale appears to be having trouble winning on the first ballot. In that case he says he will help Mondale go over the top.

But Carter, who hails originally from Long Beach California, said he is here largely to experience the democratic process at work.

"In terms of enlightenment I has been good", he said. "In terms of that If earn I has been go and had."

If Carter is not ballot the real and by of an party and, that dozen not earn he's not committed to From McGovern.

"I took I seriously enough to take a semester off to work for McGovern," he said. "I got a lot of chuckles from friends, from my roommates, from everyone I know".
