
Cabot House Residents Face Change

Master and Seven Tutors Leave This Year

With a heavy turnover in House staff and the selection of a new master apparently stalled, Cabot House residents are unsure how they will weather the transition period.

Current Masters Warren E.C. and Anne M. Wacker are leaving Cabot House at the end of this academic year, as are the Senior Tutor Nancy L. Maull, six other resident tutors, and Masters' assistant Shirley Broner.

The selection committee has reviewed all the candidates suggested by students, but so far has not decided on an appropriate new Master, according to Scott A. Goidel'84, a student adviser to the committee. "They are having problems," he said.

"It's unnerving waiting--this process has been going on for months," said Benjamin R. Reder '85, chairman of Cabot's House Committee. "It's kind of weird to go home with this unsettled feeling," he added.

Goidel said he thought it would be difficult for students in the House next year, especially those seeking recommendations.


"A lot of underclassmen are feeling insecure. They don't know where guidance will come from," he added.

Other residents agreed with D. Kimbero Stephens '83, owner of the Cabot grill, who said, "I really don't think people will notice that much."

Stephens added that now was the best time for personnel changes, in keeping with the House's recent name change and renovations coming up next year.

"The House is getting a total face-lift. The new master can customize the House to his own needs and to the needs of the students coming in," Stephens said.

Wacker echoed this sentiment, adding that it would be advantageous for the Master and the Senior Tutor to "get started together."

"I don't think the students will be badly served by the transition," Maull said.

Most Cabot House residents said they'll miss their old masters.

"He lets us have a good time and comes to all the parties," Stephens said. "He's been a great master for the students, and he will definitely be missed."

Wacker will continue to serve as director of University Health Services.

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