
Pi Eta Newsletter


To the Editors of the Crimson:

Ms. Holly Idelson tried to be fair in allowing Timothy Keating to defend the recent Pi Eta newsletter. Mr. Keating's apology of the infamous letter is, however, totally inadequate. First of all, saying that this was a private publication does not excuse the fact that it had plenty of rapist remarks.

Second, Mr Keating calls the letter a "parody," a "light-hearted" joke. If this was truly the case, then he and his friends must be reminded that certain "jokes" must be unacceptable in our society. Comments which denigrate women by calling them "heifers," and which encourage the violent use of male sexuality fall within this category.

Third, he argues that the newsletter remarks are not representative of the views of his club-mates. I cannot judge them all. But I can assure him that statements like Pi Eta's serve as propaganda which popularizes and legitimizes sexism and violence. After all rapists are not born, they are created by our culture.

Fourth, it is not evident from his words that he understands the letter annoyed not only the female but also the male community. Anyone who dares speak about our relatives and friends in such a way can only deserve our disdain.


In the final analysts, one cannot but recommend Mr. Keating and his likes to take a course in human relations because this community is not willing to put up with the despicable abuse of other human beings. Rafael Antonio Ruiz '85
