
Pi Eta


To the Editors of the Crimson:

Holly Idelson is absolutely right in her editorial regarding the "private" newsletter sent to the members of the Pi Eta Speakers Club regarding an upcoming party. Whether or not a parody, the newsletter is clearly an example of sexism, insensitivity, even mysogeny. But Ms. Idelson misses the point.

The greater outrage of the letter is the dehumanization of people that it represents. The truly frightening thing about men who call searching for dates at women's colleges "pighunting" is that their sense of humanity is limited, they justify their behavior by the fact these women are willing and therefore unworthy of consideration. Any person that would view a woman on a pig or a cow fresh for the slaughter might also view Jews. Blacks and homosexuals, or any other group that is alienated from them an less than human.

A recent Newsweek article depicted the surprisingly widespread and growing phenomenon of "date tape" in which women are forced to have sexual relations with men they are already acquainted with. This phenomenon reflects the sense of alienation and misunderstanding between men and women that is at the heart of the Pi Eta newsletter. Feminists of both sexes need to work at bringing understanding and respect between men and women, instead of deepening the line between them. Catherine Temma Davidson '85
