
The Big Picture


WHILE WE AGREE with the majority opinion against chemical warfare, we find their lack of perspective disturbing. Most certainly Meselson's findings are insufficient but determining Soviet guilt should not be the focus of debate. Rather, as concerned Americans citizens, our attention ought to be focused on the issue of chemical warfare as a worldwide concern rather than an East-West moral rivalry. Too often, it seems, the Soviets are made to seem the scapegoat--especially when abuses are prevalent at home.

The majority cites the Iraqi use of chemical warfare as a example of Soviet law-breaking and calls for a united front, presumably made up of Western nations, to oppose Soviet activity. But such a united front would have to exclude West Germany, the country that sold the weapons to Iraq. It would also have to exclude the United States; especially when President Reagan dares to speak of a worldwide ban on chemical warfare testing production and possession while mentioning the need for "limited retaliatory capability" for the U.S.

Although Congress last year voted down a Reagan appeal to begin reexamining the potential of chemical weapons, it is unlikely that Reagan will stop his push for chemical weaponry.

Such cries for East-West confrontationalism are unsettling; before calling for a "united front" including the United States and other countries to bring "pressure to bear on the Soviets," we feel that policing should start at home. We suggest that an unaffiliated national body such as Red Cross or Amnesty International should intervene to offer unbiased guidelines to resolving the controversy.

The last thing needed in this instance is further escalation of East-West confrontation suggested in the majority view.
