
Massive News Effort Undertaken To Spread Bok's Announcement

Although the formal announcement of Charmin of the Economics Department A. Michael Spence's appointment as dean of the Faculty lucked suspense, it placed the crowning touch on the University's massive effort to disseminate the news.

The Harvard News Office, under director of public relations David M. Rosen, as carly as Monday began its effort to inform news agencies across the country of yesterday's press conference, where the announcement was made.

The News Office contacted the wire services. The New York Times, and The Boston Globe, Rosen said. Television and radio stations, as well as local newspapers were also alerted.

While Rosen said he knew of the selection of Spence since Friday, he added that the "job was very complicated because we couldn't announce the choice until this afternoon, we couldn't even say who was under consideration."

"It is very unusual for President Bok to hold a Press conference." Rosen said, adding that The New York Times and The Boston Globe have been inquiring about Spence for the past few days because they've been reading The Crimson."


"From my point of view it was as easy as an ice cream sundae," said Deanne W. Lord, director of information for the University. She added. "The press conference was scheduled and the speculation drew away much of the attention."

A four-page biographical news release and a set of 24 photographs pf Spence were also compiled by the News Office and "are being widely distributed," Rosen said.

All callers interested in "Peer comments" on Spence are being referred to a group of eight faculty members including Dean of the Faculty Henry Rosovsky, Lamont University Professor John T. Dunlop, and Stone Professor of International Trade Richard E. Caves, said Lord.
