IT IS WITH sadness that we note the death of Manuel Carballo, a former Dukakis official and Kennedy School professor, who brought exceptional commitment and ability to both posts. Carballo, who two weeks ago died suddenly of meningitis, had just finished developing his first budget as Massachusetts Secretary of Human Services. The plan, substantially redesigned the way that the office's $7 million budget is distributed, allocating more money to welfare and development programs while streamlining other aspects of the department. Gov. Michael S. Dukakis, noting Carballo's work in Human Services, last week called him "one of the best public managers to serve in government."
Carballo also made his impact here at Harvard serving as a lecturer at the K-School's state and local programs for six years. There, he was regarded as an unusually dedicated and concerned teacher. As the only K-School Hispanic faculty member. Carballo also served as an eloquent advocate for minority student concerns.
Both Harvard and the Commonwealth have lost a great public servant, teacher, and man. Commissioner of Revenue Ira A. Jackson '68, a former K-School associate dean, mourned the loss of Carballo, saying. "He had miles to go before he slept."
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