
Kennedy School Appoints First Associate Administrative Dean

Defense expert Robert D. Hack will has been named the Kennedy School of Government's first associate dean for administration.

The new position reflects the K. School's extreme growth in the past few years. David Irons, director of External Affairs, explained yesterday. "The School has reached a plateau of growth, and Black will's duties will help consolidate the expansion," he said.

Black will's responsibilities include administering the pre-career and end career degree programs and overseeing the personal office and publication and press relations offices.

K-School Executive Dean Hale Champion said the appointment reflects a "redistribution of responsibilities." Many of Champion's and Dean Graham T. Allison '62's duties will also be assumed by Black will.

Formerly on the National Security Council of ex-President Gerald Ford. Black will will be concentrating on the National Security program, Irons said.


"He's one of the top people out of the legislative side of the State Department," Irons said, adding that Black will is also," an able administrator who will free up Dean Allison's time."

Blackwill will continue to instruct in the school's natural security programs, while Champion will teach a spring course called "Managing in the Intergovernmental System."

"I'm really enjoying myself," Black will said yesterday. "This is a high-powered place that's fun to be around. I expect to be here for a while."
