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Hoping for Rosy Scenarios; Miss Manners for Everyone

Robert Reich, Lecturer in public policy at the Kennedy School and author of The Next American Frontier should keep a whole think tank of elves busy this year. His request: "A rosy scenario or upbeat projection." For anything in particular? No, the renowned expert on industrial policy just wants a rosy scenario in general.

"I'd like (Santa) to give a new hegemony to Professor Clare Dalton at the Law School." Dalton, the elves have learned, is Reich's wife.

Zemurray Stone-Radcliffe Professor Emily D.T. Vermeule, who teaches in Classics and Fine Arts departments, wants "a little Macintosh and to have the children home." If she were playing Santa, Vermeule says. "I'd like to give a time machine to all Classicists, to take us back to the Trojan War."

Can it be outrageous? I'd like the complete 250 volumes of the Loeb Classical Library. I already have two or three," says The Rev, Peter J. Gomes, Minister in Memorial Church and Plummer Professor of Christian Morals. Padre, you're welcome to come borrow I he Crimson's I oeb volumes anytime And advice for Santa: "I suppose I'd give everybody a copy of Miss Manners's new book."
