WHETHER President Nixon believes his policies serve the interests of the American people, these last few weeks in his bid for reelection have only re-emphasized the cynicism of his four years in office. Refusing to meet his opponent head-on at home, Nixon has waged his campaign at the negotiating table through the machinations of Henry Kissinger. Promises of an imminent peace while the details of a settlement remain uncertain is an obvious attempt to obscure the four years of death and destruction in Indochina while Nixon has been Commander-in-Chief.
....This pattern of self-centered, deceptive politicking with the future of America--and of the world--at stake, is nothing new to the Nixon Administration.....Nixon's willingness to hire, if not actually direct, men deeply implicated in repeated allegations of organized attempts to sabotage the Democratic Party suggests a remarkable lack of principle or an incrediable lack of judgment.
George McGovern offers America a choice. Although his welfare and tax proposals stand in need of further study, McGovern's position for peace and for the preservation of civil liberties is unmistakable. That some have been disappointed with elements of his campaign only underscores how high hopes ride on the quality of leadership he is thought capable of providing.
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