
The strike

As the Harvard and Yale football teams fight this weekend at the Stadium, Yale's internal fight will continue here as well. Yale President A. Bartlett Giammatti will be speaking at the Harvard Club in Boston Friday, and busloads of Yale strikers will be here to voice their discontentment. Harvard workers will be among those joining the Yale clerical and technicals, displaying a sense of unity likely to be lacking, on the football field.

The Game itself will not be exempt from protest's shadows, as a group of Harvard law students and Harvard support staff participating in the United Auto Workers union organizing drive are each planning surprises for the contest. The activists will sell "Bartbusters" T-shirts and other pro-union goodies in an attempt to increase' student and alumni awareness of the conflict, organizers said.

Yale's AFL-CIO Local 34 has been on strike for the past six weeks. In that time, they have sought to pressure the administration into upping its offer or 'submitting the dispute to binding arbitration. For the last three days, a large number of Yale students and faculty have boycotted classes and all university facilities in order to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the present stalemate to the administration.

As part of the its presure campaign, the union has been staging colorful demonstrations, picketing, singing, and selling bumperstickers and shirts. Last month, Yale corporation member Eleanor Holmes Norton came to speak at Boston College and had to avoid hundreds of Yale workers and sympathizers, including Harvard food service workers and secretaries protesting her appearance. Leading the activists in a candlelight vigil was the Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler
