Pulicar Prize-winning columnist Meg Greenfield told a Law School audience last night that media should police its coverage of political campaigns more closely.
"If everyone is criticizing us, its probably because we are doing something wrong. "Greenfield told a crowd of 80 at Pound Hall.
The Washington Post editor and Newsweek columnist pointed to stories about alleged Mafia connections of Rep. Geraldine Parraro's (D-NY) dead father-in-law as one example of the media investing insignificant events with undue importance.
Greenfield said the public image of a mercenary press corps hounding the family of an official expected of wrong-doing is "to come extent the reality."
Greenfield also said the media's early reporting of exit poll results on election night might prevent some West Coast voters from casting ballots. The media should exercise more "self restraint" to address the problem, she said, adding that she opposed governmental regulation of exit polling.
Greenfield described herself as a "First Amendment junky," after the lecture.
Candidates brought some of the problem of the last election on themselves by failing to recognize the professional responsibilities of reporters who covered their campaigns said Greenfield.
Rev. Jesse Jackson improperly began to think of the Greenfield' Past Colleague Milton Coleman as a friend rather than as a journalist when he refered in Coleman's presence to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymie Town" added Greenfield.
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