
Apocalypse Now


To the Editors of The Crimson:

On November 6 we must decide whether we want syndicated astrology columnist Carroll Righter to run our country for the next four years. Yes, "Reagan says he follows the daily zodiacal advice for his sign in the horoscope column of Carroll Righter. Reagan, born Feb. 6, 1911, is an Aquarian."

The foregoing quotation is a complete paragraph in the report (copyrighted by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the interviewer) of a thoroughly friendly interview of candidate Reagan by freelance journalist Angela Fox Dixon, whose mother was Reagan's drama coach at the Warner Brothers studio. (The report was reprinted in The Washington Post on page E5 on July 13, 1980.)

Reagan is such a strong believer in astrology that he told the interviewer "80 percent of the people in New York's Hall of Fame are Aquarians." This is no more inaccurate than Reagan's statistical statements usually are; the birthdates of the members of the Hall of Fame (the membership of which has remained unchanged since 1977) are actually scattered throughout the year in a random nattern. The largest numbers per month (10 to 15) are in February, April, July and November, making 80 percent in any one of the 12 signs of the zodiac obviously impossible. Arthur Bernstein
