
Restic Adds Gimmick to Multiflex

Play to Watch

The Multiflex strikes again.

In a move designed to confuse the Army defense in today's 2 p.m. battle with Harvard, sources close to the Crimson football squad say, Harvard Coach Joe Restic will unveil the latest in a series of unusual plays.

Crimson fullback Brian Cooke is expected to return from an injury that sidelined him for the season's first two games and to be the key figure in the scenario.

Called the "V", the play involves a somewhat unbalanced line and Cooke lining up between the right guard and the right tackle.

More specifically, though, it involves right tackle Roger Caron and tight and Steve Abbott leaving a one-player hole between themselves and right guard Mike Pascucci.


Cooke will then lineup in that hole but not on the line. He'll arrange himself a step or two behind Caron and Pascucci.

Whether Harvard runs or passes from the peculiar formation remains to be seen, as does how often the squad uses it.

Whether it'll work is another good question.
