
The Honest Choice


WHAT THE SENATE needs most is people with fiscal responsibility who will help fight against tax increases and huge budget deficits. Ray Shamie has shown that he knows how to run a business profitably, and we should vote for him so that he can bring financial leadership to the Senate.

Even the majority position admits Kerry is a shifty politician who will manipulate anything he can in his drive for political power. After starting the drive to keep this race free of Political Action Committee (PAC) money, it now seems that he took over $40,000 from a PAC.

The majority seems to be endorsing Kerry as means of attacking President Reagan while admitting they don't like Kerry. This is a backwards way of picking a candidate. Massachusetts voters should vote for the person who will best represent their interests in Washington. Since the primary, Kerry has shifted all over the political spectrum on issues like raising taxes and spending for new defense systems.

Shamie's position is clear and doesn't change depending on the prevailing political winds.

The public should choose who to vote based on the issues and personalities in this campaign, not the presidential one. If you vote for John Kerry, you won't know what side of the issues your vote will land on. A vote for Ray Shamie will help elect a person who tells it as he sees it and who knows all about fiscal responsibility.


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