
Straw Poll In Dining Halls Set for Tuesday

The Student Advisory Committee of the Institute of Politics will sponsor a computer-processed straw poll Tuesday in the undergraduate dining halls.

At lunch and dinner, students will fill in circles on computer cards, indicating their Presidential preference, House affiliation, ethnic backround, and graduation year.

The group will host a press conference Thursday night after the results have been tabulated.

"We are hoping to get a little national news coverage on this. We have been working with the Harvard News Office, so at least they'll pick up on the results of it," said Thomas J. McGuire '85, chief organizer of the project.

The straw poll is one the costliest endeavors ever for the student group, almost $2000, according to organizers.


Nadine H. Parker '85, a member of the committee, said the expensive computer time is necessary for "accuracy and credibility."

Based on its experience with the straw poll, the Student Advisory Committee plans to write a recommendation for students interested in polling Harvard in the future.
