

The Health Industry

Are you interested in public health and medicine? Are you thinking about business, law, finance, or computer technology? Do you enjoy research in the sciences? Do you like to plan, direct, and evaluate programs? Do you want your work to have the added dimension of contributing to the welfare of others through a career in either the private or the public sector? If any of these questions apply to you, keep health administration in mind as you investigate options and opportunities for work and a future career.

The delivery of health care services to individuals and communities is in an era great change and growth, and, as an article in Business week has stated. "The health community is putting on a business suit." Health care is the chief largest community is the United States and comprises ten percent of the gross national product. Hospital have been traditionally the major providers of health care services, but today we see, in addition, a proliferation of health maintenance organizations Walk-in Clinics, Emergency Care Centers and for-profit All these organizations have been for skilled administration.

The manufacture of health products is booming. The explosion in scientific technology has brought in professional opportunities in manufacturing and Pharmaceutical companies, wish job potential in management, marketing, sales and technical writing as well as in laboratories and scientific research. Health insurance is also a growth industry requiring training and skill in finance and knowledge of government and private company third-party health cost reimbursement systems. Health administrators can be found in federal and state agencies, consulting programs, regional planning agencies long-term care facilities, and hospital management firms.

There are a variety of educational pathways into health administration. One can find physicians, nurse, business and public administrators who have moved into positions in health administration. However the complexities of health management is such that Master's Degree programs in health administration have become in creasingly necessary for career growth. These programs offer different degrees depending on their emphasis in course content. Example are the Master of Public Health and Health Services Administration, the Master of Health Policy and Management, and the Master in Hospital Administration. Some Institutions offer joint degree programs in business and health administration or in law and health administration. Most are two-year programs and require administrative field work in a health care setting. Education in health care administration incorporates a variety of discipline.

Resources at OCS-OCL


The Health Careers Office and Library at OCS-OCL can give you information and resource materials the many opportunities in health administration. Be sure to read "The Challenge of Administrating health services: Career Pathways" for description of type of jobs within the field. The publication, "Health Services Administration Education, 1983-1985" will give you information on admission requirements, course content, and location of programs throughout the United States.

The Career Advisory Service at OCS-OCL has many names of health professionals who can help you to explore this challenging and growing profession.
