
Candidates for Radcliffe class Marshal

Preliminaryn Marshal Elections Undergraduate Council Elections October 2,3,4, Final Marshal Elections October 9,10,11

Rosemarry E. Baslie Eliot

Undergraduate Council House Committee Social Co Chairperson Evening with Champions Show Hospitality Committee co-Chairperson Audio Visual Services Radcliffe Rugby Club

Pamela St. John Beftoli Winthrop

Varsity Ski Team (Cross Counters). Sum Team Freshman Outdoor Program Leader. PBH One Jo One (Big Sister) Culffin Marahom Club.

Eve Marie Bigelow North


Center for International Affairs (CLLLA) Student Council Varsity Sky Team; International Development Discussion Group; Freshman sophomore Crew Team; House Intramurals

Stephohle Mariette Cabot North

House Intramurals; Independent PBH Margaret Fuller House Junior Varsity Basketball Signet Society

Alicia Louise Carrlllo Kirkland

Involved in Coordination of project HAND (House and Neigh borhnood Development) Varsity Soccer: Varsity Lacrosse Kirland House Drama Society "A Punny Thing Happened on the way to the from and Godspell"

Shella Beth Cohen Cabot

Manager Men's Varsity Soccer and Basketball; Women's Rugby; Phillips Brooks House Legal Committee Complete on Undergraduate Degrees Sociology Department House Intramurals

Narri Raelyn Copper Leverett

Kuumba Singers President House Crew Team Social Chair House Committee HAS Board of Directors Leverett Film society

Christina Louise Covino Quincy
