
Sensual Sausage

A Weekly Survey of News From Other Campuses

The forces of equality and sexual justice have struck another blow at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Upset by what they deemed sexist and derogatory names for popular dishes served at a campus cafeteria, students there have forced the removal of "Saucy Chick" and "Sensual Sausage" from the menu of the Hatch student restaurant.

Complaints, however, have also been made about the "Warsaw Willie," the name of a kielbasa sandwich sold at the Hatch, said Larry Jeffers, manager of the restaurant.

And Jeffers expressed a degree of annoyance about the changes, citing the inconvenience of altering menus and custom.

"We have a 'Fat Frank' down here now. Is that discriminatory to fat people? How far do you go?" he said.


Jeffers said the change will involve repainting the entire menu board, throwing out over six thousand sandwich labels and getting the kitchen help used to the new names. The Massachusetts Daily Collegian
