
Controversial Coach

A Weekly Survey of News From Other Campuses

Lefty Driesell, coach of the men's basket ball team at the University of Maryland is under fire for making three phone calls to a woman who filed a complaint against one of his players.

On May 2. University Chancellor John Slaughter publicly reprimanded Driesell for the calls.

It was the first open admission by the university that Driesell made the calls to the woman who filed an attempted sexual assault complaint against junior forward Herman Veal.


Not satisfied with the censure, more than 200 students gathered last week to demand Driesell's resignation.


Waving anti-Driesell picket signs and chanting "Bench Lefty," representatives from the Student Government Association (SGA), Progressive Student Alliance (PSA), food coop and women's center at the university voiced their displeasure at the reprimanded. The demonstrators vowed to pressure the administration to again open an issue that Slaughter insists is closed.

"The decision [not to fire Driesell] insulted the entire campus population," said PSA member Stuart Morris. UMD Diamondback
