
Tiger Returns

After the chairman and managing editor of the Princeton campus humor magazine. The Tiger, were removed by the publication's graduate board two months ago in the wake of a controversial feature, the magazine seemed as good as dead.

But on the second day of this month the board named a new chairman, and the magazine is back in business.

Carlo Cannell, a senior writer for The Daily Princetonian, the student newspaper, was selected for the post from a pool of more than 20 undergraduates.

"Brook" Shields

On March 9, chairman Richard Hersching was expelled from the magazine because of an article lampooning Brooke Shields, who will attend Princeton next fall. Tiger graduates found the issue, which raised a storm of controversy on campus, in poor taste one of the issue's articles was titled "How to Sleep with Brook (sic)."


Undaunted, Harschlag plans to start an underground humor magazine the Princeton Rebel in the fall.
