
Anti-Gay Protest

A Weekly Survey of News From Other Campuses

A decision by the Student Senate at the University of Kansas to allocate money to Gay and Lesbian Services of Kansas (GLSOK) has upset many students there and has sparked a petition drive asking the chancellor of the Kansas system to override the decision.

About 25 students are circulating the petitions which state that by financing GLSOK "the senate has flagrantly violated its responsibility to represent the students and their wishes."

Ralph Munyan, graduate student senator and one of the leaders of the petition drive, said that the students were circulating 300 petitions that would each hold 10 signatures.

"We believe the students were misrepresented by the senate," he said. "As a student, it's my opinion that the majority of the students do not favor giving them part of their activity fee."

It 10 percent of the student body signs the petitions, the senate will be required to hold a student referendum on the issue.


GLSOK has been a recognized student group at the university since 1973. The University Daily Kansan
