
Arts and Sciences

Short Takes

A new undergraduate publication will seek to shed light on both the arts and sciences by synthesizing them into what its organizers call "a single, harmonious whole."

The publication's two founders, Brian A Lynn '85 and Sarah L. Ellison '85, last night held an organizational meeting for Concerto, "a magazine for the art of science and the science of art."

"About half of the magazine will consist of articles looking at science from a humanistic perspective," including literature, photography, artwork and graphics, Lynn said yesterday.

The other half of the magazine will focus on the science of art. Lynn said the first issue will include an article on "fractals," a new mathematical development that has established a connection between music and math and that helps explain scientifically why humans enjoy music.

Lynn added that he has developed a written constitution and has secured the two faculty advisers needed for official College approval. William H. Bossert, McKay Professor of Applied Mathematics, and Dudley R. Herschbach, Baird Professor of Science.


"It's not something which has been done, and I'm terribly enthusiastic about the possibilities," Bossert said yesterday.

"The basic idea is that science is a part of the humanities," Herschbach said. "Science really does have a lot of art in it."

Concerto has applied to the Undergraduates Council for a $1100 grant to help fund its publication, Lynn said, but he does not expect to hear from the council until at least April 18. Bossert added that the magazine would also be looking for grants from cultural institutions and corporations, as well as seeking funds from advertising. At the moment, the magazine's funders have no contingency plan in case this funding falls through.

Lynn said the magazine will probably come out once at the end of this year, but he added that next year he hopes for Concerto to appear monthly.
