
That's Incredible!

A Weekly Survey of news from other Campuses

A hard working Yalie is about to set a new record for that school by graduating with 63 academic credits in four years. instead of the regular 36.

Ross King, a senior with a double major in linguistics and political science, says he managed to accumulate the hefty number as well as serving as editor of the Yale Course Critique and co-captain of the water polo team--by good organization and a natural felicity for languages. "Every semester. I've taken three of four normal bread and butter courses that everyone takes, and three of four languages," he explained. The languages come easily to him--"Whenever I don't feel like doing other work I spend some time on a language course."

At the end of each term, King says, he obtains syllabus for reading courses he intends to take the following semester, and does most to the reading over summer and Christmas vacations.

Yet despite this strict regimen, "he was almost always willing to go out for a beer of a cup of coffee," said Matt Hamel, a close friend of King's who graduated last year.

And, King says, he gets a solid eight to nine hours sleep every night The Yale Daily News
