
Velluccif Endorses Mondale for '84

Cambridge Mayor Alfred E. Vellucci last night endorsed ex-Vice President Walter J. Mondale for the 1984 Democratic nomination for president, saying he is "convinced that Mondale will lift the American people out of the sense of despair into which they have faller."

Vellucci, who compared Mondale to Franklin Delano Roosevelt '04 said his support for the former Minnesota senator was based largely on the candidate's identification with the nation's "big labor movement" and his unmatched ability to "really challenge" President Reagan.

"I'm a very strong labor man, and I strongly believe that if Mondale is elected, the Democrats may be able to embark on a large working-wage program in American," he explained.

Vellucci, who also made a $10 personal contribution to the Mondale campaign, added that the other Democratic contenders, as well as Republican leaders, supported only "bandaid" program solutions for the country's ailing economy. "The rest of them offer handouts," he said, "not a real chance to give people a job and a chance to help themselves."
