A Harvard Square restaurant's struggle to serve beer with its pizza suffered another set back last week when the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission upheld the Cambridge Licensing Commission's decision to deny the establishment a liquor license.
Ruggles Pizza has been fighting since November for the license. But because of strong opposition from neighborhood groups--who claim the number of establishments in the Square allowed to sell liquor is adequate--the licensing commission has denied Ruggles's request.
In its decision, the beverage control agency said that it "upholds the local board, and incorporates their statement of reasons."
Ruggles Owner Jeffrey Starfield said yesterday that he was considering challenging the decisions in a civil litigation, but added that expense may prevent him from taking further action.
"We would like to take it further, but we don't know if our chance of getting a license is worth the cost," said Starfield.
He added that the beverage control agency is traditionally reluctant to over-rule local commissions.
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