
ART Approval

Short Takes

The Faculty Council yesterday endorsed the renewal of the University's contract with the American Repertory Theatre (ART), agreeing with the Committee on Dramatic Art's statement that the ART has proved a "valuable educational and cultural presence at Harvard."

However, the Council--the Faculty's executive steering committee--offered two caveats to this endorsement, citing in a statement both the need for "a clearer definition of the ART's obligations to support non-professional student theatre at Harvard" and the "need to consider other FAS priorities and to avoid undue strain on FAS resources."

The Faculty Council's recommendation follows an intensive five-month review by the Dramatics Committee, which reviewed the University's original 1979 contract with the ART. Although the full Faculty will discuss Harvard's relationship with the ART in May, President Bok has the final decision on whether to renew the ART's contract, and how to change the relationship.

Nicholas J. Wyse '84, president of the Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club, said that he was pleased with the Council's action, bur said that he was concerned that the Faculty" is not as prepared to extend extra financial help to the ART." He described the ART's resources as "stretched."
