
Hunger Strike

verman '84 is subsisting solely on water and vitamins, said yesterday that she was undecided about whether she should continue her fasting beyond Wednesday.

"I am feeling physically weak," Bell said yesterday, but added that she has not yet felt the need to go to University Health Services for a check up.

When asked if she still felt encouraged, Bell said, "My weakness is affecting my mental processes, so I'm not in the best of spirits."

Barry S. Zellen '85 said yesterday that he was feeling much better since he stopped fasting and began eating only fruit on Sunday.

Zellen added that he spoke with Vice President and General Counsel Daniel Steiner "encouraging" - Steiner has scheduled a 10.30 a.m. meeting today to discuss the fast, Zellen added.


Asked the specific agenda for the meeting Zellen said. "Because Steiner initiated the entire thing we are not in a position to know what to expect."

The week long protest will culminate in a service tomorrow at Memorial Church Abner A Mason '85 a spokesman for the fasters, said yesterday that both the exiled South African journalist Donald Woods and Boston mayoral, candidate Melvin H. King had agreed yesterday to speak at the 1 p.m. service.
