The phenomenon of one-parent families may be causing "an explosive epidemic" of drug use in America, according to a study released today by a Medical School researcher.
"The evidence is very strong--there is an association between the kind of families people are growing up in these days and drug use." Dr. Armand M. Nicholi Jr., clinical instructor in psychiatry, said in an interview yesterday
Children who grow up in single-parent households exhibit psychological traits similar to those characteristics of drug users, concludes the study, published in today's New England Journal of Medicine.
Other conclusions related the increase in the divorce rate to the widespread use on college campuses in the 1960s of the various psychoactive" drugs studies--inhalants, phencyclidine (PCP), cocaine, heroin, amphetamines and marijuana
Mixed Bag
The study, which was based on a syntheses of previous findings by federal and independent researchers, addressed a variety of drugrelated issues
For instance, Nicholi also found that approximately 21 million Americans have used marijuana, and that 59.5 percent of high school seniors surveyed in 1981 had used the drug
Marijuana use impairs intellectual functioning concentration and judgement, particularly disturbing the learning process, Nicholt concluded
The adverse physical and psychological effect of the drugs that are mentioned are evident around the campus," he said
Cocaine use is also on the rise on college campuses 27.5 percent of the 32 million American aged 18 to 25 had used it in 1980, compared to 19 I percent in 1978 One in every six high school seniors surveyed in 1981 had tried the drug.
Further Explanation
The reasons for drug use need further exploration, the study states, but some conclusions can be drawn
They include the correlation between households where a parent is absent frequently, for a variety of reasons, and "many forms of emotional disorder--especially the anger, rebelliousness, low self-esteem, depression and anti-social behavior that characterizes drug users."
Angel Dust
Despite the fact that use of PCP, commonly known as "angle dust," has resulted in 300 deaths in 1979 alone. 5.5 million of the 8 million Americans who have used in one of its various forms are between 12 and 25 years of age. Necholi found
Nicholi also found that of the estimated 9 million Americans who have used sedatives without medical supervision, members of the 18-to-25-year-olds comprise 5.5 million.
Although he states that the tie between the family structure and drug use may seem "wildly speculative and highly improbable." Nicholi concluded by calling for more research into the subject, hoping to find "the most effective measures for stemming this epidemic."
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