
Senior Bars Reappear With Less Publicity

Class of '83 Celebrates Rites of Spring--Alone

A lively Harvard spring rite, the senior bar, is once again underway, albeit with less fanfare than in previous years

Because of an agreement between House Masters and Senior Class Marshalls, the traditionally popular week-night parties are not being publicized in hopes of keeping them under control

Last year, several of the parties got out of hand when many underclassmen showed up uninvited, having heard about the bars through schedules distributed by the senior class committee

This year, however, the dates and times of the 17 bars scheduled thus far are being closely guarded by Masters and senior tutors

Turnout for the affairs, says one Senior Class Marshall, Ingrid D Jacobson '83, should be "a lot more reasonable."


The senior bar tradition started about five years ago when some enterprising party-throwers served a different drink in each room during spring-time bashes, according to M Theresa Frick '83, who organized a senior bar last night

Nowadays scarcely a day goes by in the springtime when a bar isn't held to provide bored outgoing seniors something to do in their final days at Harvard.

The bars noted back are "one of the role of spring that everyone is involved with.
