
Softballers Split Twinbill At Holy Cross, 5-10, 7-5

Central Massachusetts has been praised for its mountains and river valleys, but seldom for its weather. The Harvard softballers found out why as they split a doubleheader with Holy Cross at Worcester under conditions that have become all too familiar to the Crimson squad.

A constant drizzle and the players cleats quickly left the field looking as if a cattle drive had just stampeded through Mud was so prevalent that the ball had to be switched, often after every pitch. But after playing two of its last three games in the same soup you might think that Harvard wouldn't be fazed, right?

Wrong--the first game was a comedy of errors, literally.

Even though Crimson pitcher Gerri Rubin threw a fine first game, the Cantabs found themselves on the short end of a 10-5 score. The Crusaders posted their 10 runs, only two of which were earned, against a semi-conscious defense plagued with errors and mental mistakes. Said Assistant Coach Dan Leist, "The only thing sloppier than the field was the way we played in the first game."

Harvard was not totally out of the game until the sixth. With a runner on first, Rubin fielded a bunt but was unable to throw to first since the second baseman had failed to cover the bag Harvard's generosity did not stop there, however. With both runners safe at first and second, the lead runner drew a throw to third that ended up in the outfield and allowed two Crusader runs to clinch the game.


The Crimson wasn't much better on offense While the batwomen were able to muster only five hits they were graced with the charity (11 walks) of their pious hosts in Worcester Still, the lack of timely hits and base running mistakes left only five runs on the board resulting in the softballers' second loss of the season.

In the second game the Crimson came out of its coma for a 7-5 win

Holy Cross still played solid ball, but when Harvard awoke it exploded for five runs in the top of the first. The Cantabs had loaded the bases on two walks and an error when Ann Wilson connected for a single that scored the first two runs. Cindy Philips and Nancy Andrea followed Wilson with three more RBIs to round out the inning.

The Crimson lead was not challenged until the sixth when the Cross narrowed it to 6-5. The Crusader rally was thwarted when pinch hitter Chris Lahey batted in an insurance run and Rubin pitched out the seventh to boost the batwomen's record to 6-2.
