
Right Wing Rag

Short Takes

The growing family of campus conservative newspapers has a new member with the recent birth of The Observer of Boston College.

The first issue of the newspaper appeared last week, funded in part by The Institute for Educational Affairs, a New York-based organization which has provided funds for The Harvard Salient and other conservative student journals.

One staff member of the new newspaper said that The Observer would mostly take on issues outside of the campus, giving a conservative perspective on a variety of national and international topics.

"People are led up with The B C Heights." Patrick Bennison, a member of the editorial board said of the campus daily. "The Heights is a horrible piece of journalism, run by a small liberal elite." He predicted that the new newspaper would catch on because of discontent with the existing daily.

But Ted Higgins '83 an editor of The Harvard Salient said that it might prove difficult for The Observer to do well in an environment cultivated by the administration of parochial school liberalism of Boston College.


The editor of the Heights, John Carpenter, described his newspaper's new competitor as "doppy" and "more concerned with being anti-liberal then pro-Conservative."
