
Public Apology

A copy of the following letter was sent to Dean of the College John B. Fox Jr. '59

By this letter, copies of which I am sending to The Harvard Crimson and the Cornell Daily Sun. I wish to make public my bitter regret about my behaviour at the Harvard-Cornell hockey games: Specifically, for throwing a bottle onto the ice at the end of the game. As a Harvard student and as a human being I am deeply ashamed. The action was wrong, irresponsible, and inexcusable. My intentions were not violent and I have been hurt by The Crimson's persistent misreporting that I threw a can that hit the Cornell goaltender. However, this does not alter the fact that I contributed to the disruptive atmosphere and committed an act that was potentially dangerous. No apology can be adequate. My conduct reflects badly on the Harvard community, of which I am proud to be a part, and I am extremely sorry. I can only hope that my embarrassment and remorse may serve as an example to restrain others from behaving so foolishly. Sandro A. Carella '81

The Crimson has reported that Carella said the Ad Board punished him for throwing a beer can which hit the Cornell goalie after the February 12 game. Carella this week told The Crimson that he did not loss the can but did throw a bottle which landed on the ice.
