
Gay Scholarships

A weekly survey of news from other campuses

In a unique proposal, Stanford University is currently considering accepting a gift that would establish a scholarship limited to homosexual students only. University President Donald Kennedy said on a talk show with the Stanford student radio station KZSU earlier this month.

The proposal, however, has "Two strikes" against it already, according to Kennedy.

"What I can tell you at this point... is that I'm very, very worried about any proposal that requires a declaration of faith on the part of the individual as a requirements--and I don't care what that declaration of faith is," he said.

The original proposal to establish a scholarship for homosexual students only was rejected by staff members, Kennedy said, but was resubmitted with more arguments by the proposer.

Not only does it require a declaration of faith, Kennedy said, but "it requires a declaration that would not be possible for an institution to validate without impermissible interference--and I think that puts two strikes on the proposal already." The Stanford Daily, February 16


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