


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Harvard's Bach Society Orchestra has reason to take much pride in its alumni conductors these days! Hugh Wolff is Assistant Conductor of the National Orchestra in Washington (Rostropovitch, Music Director): Neil Stuhlberg is Guilini's assistant at the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Christopher Wilkins has just been appointed to the highly prestigious post once held by James Levine, Assistant Conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra!

Meanwhile, Jim Ross, a conducting protege of Kurt Mazur, is first solo horn of the Leipzing Gewandhaus Orchestra.

Add to that the brilliant Michael Senturia. Music Director of the Berkeley Orchestra, who was in town last week to conduct an altogether extraordinary concert at the New England Conservatory and John Harbison who is composer and conductor-in-residence for contemporary music for the Pittsburgh Symphony, both former Bach Society conductors, and one might get the impression that that remarkable institution is a necessary stepping-stone for a successful conducting career these days!

Who said that Harvard wasn't a music school anyway?


Congratulations to all concerned! Benjamin Zander   Boston Philharmonic
