In an effort to save money. Harvard has found a new company to print next year's course catalogue, a University official said yesterday.
Next year's course catalogue will use a tailor 6"x9" format, which should make the book somewhat thinner. Diana Whitty. Manager of classrooms, examinations and publications in the Registrar's office, said.
The contract, worth more than $30,000, was signed in January with Evans Press, a Texas firm.
"They simply were cheaper than any East Coast's firms bid for the job, "Whitty, the official responsible for university publications, said, adding. "If they perform well we will consider hiring them to print the other books."
"Evans is such an aggressive company that they probably could sell you the Brooklyn Bridge," she added.
The University may employ the same firm to print the Fields of Concentration Guide and the Handbook for students within the next few years. Whitty said.
Early Birds
The CUE guide will probably use the Texas company next year as well, peter J. Nanula '84, editor of the guide, said yesterday.
Nanda said that the cost was the major factor, adding, "the fact that the University is also switching over to Evans played a part in our decision as well--I'm sure they've looked into it."
Although this is Harvard's first contract with Evans, she firm specializes in printing college catalogues and is employed by close to 400 colleges nationwide, a spokesman for the firm said yesterday.
In recent years, the printing contract has gone to Semline Printing, a Massachusetts firm.
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