
Women, Men Harriers Runs Past Weekend

Crimson Smokes Boston College, 100-M

Lucklly, Boston College is to represent the Eagles in the In December. Lucky, that is, for B.C.

For Saturday, the Harvard men's track team easily outdistanced an Eagle team that only managed to place first five times in 17 tries Saturday at the Gordon Indoor Track, 100-44. The meet proved stirring for the sole reason that Harvard won 11 events, but also anticlimactic because the Eagles were never closer than the nine points they lost to the Crimson as the harriers swept the 35-lb weight context the very first event of what wins to be the glorious day for a Harvard spend that had lost, 78 1/2-58 1/2, to Army just a week earlier.

Thomas Schuler took that first event and then followed the example he had just set for himself when his shot put flew a winning 40-ft., 11 in in an event that the harriers swept just as convincingly. Steve Pinney then cleared 14-ft., 6-in. to win a pole vault event that didn't even feature a simple Eagle competitor before B.C.'s Craig Coffey secured two of the Eagles three field event victories by jumpy 6 ft 102 in the high and long jumpy respectively.

The eagle were only allowed to taste coming in the 5000 meter race. Laugh Renechan sprinted the Fagles into first place in 14-28 08.

That set the stage through for Falward and Hunney and the batters to their up in the 1500 meter event Humney ran even with the field of the outset, but as the approached the final lap, he accelerated to finish first in a .
