

Hot looking is past elections, political analysis predicted that Chantoo and Degchy would get enough transfer votes hung other corrective candidates on pain election. Wyfie, on the other band, was a under of the CCA slute, and would have to state Mass for votes with Duchay and David Sollivant.

Graham and Wolf, along with Walter Sullivan and Vellucci, reached quota on number one votes alone.

Wylie hoped to Own one of the Independents by receiving transfer votes from Richard Bradson, the special interest candidate backed by condominium owners. Branson was 11th in the race, and pols were uncertain whether his constituents would transfer votes to CCA candidates or to conservatives. On the one hand, condo owners tend to be young and upward mobile, the profile of the typical CCA supporter. On the other hand, the CCA has taken a strong stand against condo conversion, to product low-to moderate-income housing.

Branson's transfers, however, went primarily to Clinton, pushing him over the 2899 voters needed for quoto, and to Danehy. They also brought Russell to quota, and

Is the 10,000 votes and; 1200 were invalidity because they were filled not improperly and 2200 were exhausted because all the candidates marked had either been elected or eliminated, Guraddlin added.

"I don't understand why people are so short sighted or so ignorant that they vote for only one candidate, or may be two," Geraidin said "They're not using the system."
