
Cambridge Fellowship

Cambridge and Kennedy School of Government officials yesterday Fred Jon.M. Hookman, this year's winner of the $7500 Arthur D. Little foundation fellowship.

Beckman was chosen this fall from more than 20 candidates to receive the fellowship, which covers tuition for a special one-year Master of Public Administration program at the K-School Beckman will take classes on public policy and economics.

The fellowship, sponsored by the Cambridge think-tank Arthur D. Little, Inc., is restricted to Cambridge municipal employees Beckman manages the division of Water Resources at the Cambridge Water Department.

Mingling with Cambridge and K-School bigwigs at the reception, Beekman said, This will really help me cover my costs while I'm on leave from the city."

"I've been working in Cambridge for six years and, you know, to be working in this town and not be going to school is almost sinful," he joked.


Members of the Cambridge City council and Mayor Alfred E Vellucci were expected to attend the festivities, but a city council meeting interfered and only councilor Francis H. Duchay '55 dropped in

But close to 40 other guests were on hand to celebrate the third year of the fellowship.
