
UMass Slurs

A Weekly Survey of News From Other Campuses

Officials at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst have formalized a new policy aimed at dealing directly with racist or sexually offensive incidents on campus.

John DeNyse, vice chancellor of administration and finance, announced a new "formal" policy that specifically concerns graffiti around campus which includes any "racial, ethnic or sexual slurs."

Under the new policy, which DeNyse said has been an "informal" one on campus for a number of years, faculty, administrators, and students would be able to call buildings and grounds to have the offensive graffiti removed.

DeNyse said he did not known what would be done to persons found writing offensive graffiti on walls.

"We just want to get rid of the graffiti as soon as possible and we'II worry about the rest later," he said.


The group of officials, originally formed last April by University Chancellor Joseph D. Duffey in response to campus-wide concerns about harassment on campus, presented a progress report on racial problems at the university, in addition to the new policy statement. --The Collegian
