
Cable TV


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Jeff Mauzy's October 11 letter to the editors was both inflammatory and inaccurate regarding the upcoming referendum on Cable Television. Although the cable television industry is spending money to oppose government ownership of cable, ironically they have been outspent on the order of two or three to one by the City of Cambridge itself, which has been using public funds to promote voter approval. A check on financial record of the City will confirm this.

In addition if the city is interested in bidding and has spent tens of thousands of public dollars to further itself. Why doesn't Mr. Mauzy characterize the City itself as a "vested interest?"

Mr. Mauzy also falls to support his allegation that the cable television industry is preventing "Cambridge residents from having any say on the matter of what sort of programming rules and services will come into our city." Responsiveness to these types of issues is essential to the cable industry: like any business, if the customers aren't satisfied, the enterprise will fail.

To lunch a government-owned cable systems, Cambridge will have to assume a $14-$20 million debt. The city of Cambridge instead should use such public funds to improve schools, combat crime and provide essential public, serious. Like Mr. Mauzy, I am a resident of Cambridge, and for this reason I will vote No on Question I on November 8. Cynthin Swartz '84
