The Crimson was sent a copy of the following letter by the writer:
To the President and Fellows of Harvard College:
As a neighbor and an alumna. I wish to express to you my hope that you will reconsider the divestment of stocks in companies which do business with South Africa.
I would like to see Harvard not merely claim to influence South Africa as a stockholder of these companies; but rather have the clear appearance of standing on the moral side of this issue. We, the public, should not depend on Harvard, or on any institution, to push for good behavior from inside corporations, out of our sight. That satisfies no intelligent citizen of a democracy.
I understand you believe it necessary for Harvard to preserve its political neutrality. Indeed, it does that today, and more; its moral neutrality is assured. For racism is a moral matter. It can be called the moral matter of our time.
As for the cost of divestment: if Harvard cannot afford to put principle before economics, then who in this nation can? And what does that say of us? And what does Harvard really convey to its students?
I would like to be proud of being a Harvard alumna. Dorothy LeMessurier '51
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