Despite record performances in the 440 and the 880 the Harvard men's track team could not overcome early bad breaks and fell to Northeastern, 6 60 Saturday afternoon at the ITI.
From the outset of the contest, things did not go the Crimson's way. In the afternoon's first event. Harvard's best long jumper. Jimmy Johnson, pulled his hamstring as he took off for his second leap. He will not return to action for at least four weeks, but despite his injury, his first leap of 23 ft. 8 1/4 inches was good enough to earn him third place Northeastern captured the first two spots.
In the other field events. Harvard co-captain Gus Udo won the triple jump, while Shawn Hill took second. The Crimson also took first and third in the high jump and second in the weight throw Unfortunately, Northeastern's sweeps in the Shot Put and the Pole Vault more than negated the Crimson's gains.
Even with the early setbacks, the thinclads did not give up hope, and a gutsy victory by senior Eric Schuler in the mile put them right back in the meet.
Schuler and a Northeastern duo of Chris Harrison and David Burke sprung out to the front of the pack and there they stayed, matching each other almost stride for stride until the final lap. When the gun sounded for the final Lap Harrison began to pour it on, grabbing the lead as Schuler fell to third.
But just when the crowd was beginning to give up on Schuler, the Crimson distance specialist began his kick and moved into second coming around the last bend. He caught Harrison down the stretch and finally passed him with less than 10 yards to go, winning the race by three tenths of a second.
35-lb weight-1. Dawson, N.U., 579 2 Quintero. H 55 6 3 Karanikolas, N U 54 1.
Shot Put--1 Dawson, N. U. 54 11. 2 Battislip N. U., 53 4 3 Karanikolas, N. U., 48 1"
High Jump-1. Boyd. H. 6 8" 2. Hopkins, N. U. 6 6 3. Henry H. 6 6"
Long Jump--1 Hartman, N. U. 24 8 2 Shinsky N. U., 23 11" Johnson, H. 23 9"
Triple Jump--1 Udo. H. 48 1" 2 Hall, 47 8 3 Eidenmayer, N. U., 46 6"
Pole Vault--1 Heyburn, N. U., 15 6 2 Hutchinson, N. U. 15.3 Yales, N. U., 14 6".
Mile--1 Schuler, H. 4 11 5 2 Harrison, N.U., 4:11 8, Burke, N.U., 4 12 6
Hurdles--1 Quitzan, N.U., 7 5, 2 Ezeji-Okoye, H. 7 5, 3 Caldron, N.U., 7. 6
60-yd Dash-1. Allan, N.U., 6.1 2, Hudson, H. 6.58 3. Gomes, N.U., 8.53
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