
Mem Hall Beckons: Registration Looms For Upperclassmen

Upperclassmen who have been gradually trekking back to Cambridge this week and to their houses, which have been open since last Monday, will be putting in an obligatory appearance at Memorial Hall today, as they register for a new year of classes.

Margaret E. Law, registrar of the College, said yesterday that although no official figures have been tallied, she expects 5000 sophomores, juniors and seniors, "plus or minus a hundred," to formally enroll this year.

Law said she did not know how many upperclassmen would be "red-dotted'--forbidden to register because their term bills have not been paid--this year.

At registration, students will again this year receive a second registration packet containing all material not directly concerning the registration process. Law said this additional packet will contain "everything from a letter from the dean to [material from] the gay students."

This second package was inaugurated two years ago amid charges by the Gay Students Association (GSA) that the new University policy was directed against them. GSA leaders charged then that the policy was designed to keep their publicity out of the "official" registration packet.


Law said that the change was not directed at the GSA in particular.

Students going to registration will also receive temporary I.D. cards. Pictures for permanent I.D.'s will be taken later in the week.

Law said that although there are probably fewer students taking time off this year than in the past, she does not "think it's a huge swing either way."

Registration will run from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. today in Memorial Hall. The penalty for late registration is $40.
