
The Harvard Life

The last class to leave Harvard few fellow ship of educated men and women chaps the best group to ask about the state of College 346th on the list of graduating class form Ma Crimson, the Crops of 1982 left surpassingly cheery impression when we polled than 200 of them in June.

Surprising because it's chic thes to dump on college life and life at Harvard particular. Aloof senior professors, incomp underage section leaders, socetting, dog food in the dining halls--you've the horror stories. Enquire magazine wen fac as to generalize in a September 198 ssay, "The Trouble with Harvard" that al all undergraduates here distinctly unhappy.

But according to the Class of , it just ain't so. The Crimson's poll of about ercent of the class concluded that large majos approve of Harvard academically and soy. Students downplayed widely publicized of rampant pre-professionalism. Seventy- percent said they were "satisfied with Harvard academically." A similar proportion said that ite Harvard's lack of structured student fac contact, they had found professors generally essible undergraduates make an effort to them out.

On the negative side, miy respondents, who composed 16 percent of random sample, consistently described Harvard less glowing terms than their white classma. Only two-thirds said they had been satisfied amically, for example.

Smilar pattern prevailed on question probing attitudes about the social the atmosphere here Eighty-five percent of the over all sample responded positively when asked, "Are you satisfied with Harvard extra curricula's?" Seventy one percent affirmed that social life at Harvard was satisfactory. These reaction contradict rather negative assessments of these aspects of Harvard was satisfactory. These reactions contradict rather negative assessments of these aspects of Harvard recently published in a New York Times guide to American colleges.

The most significant criticism leveled at the College came from female respondents. Fifty-two percent of the women said Harvard had not adequately attended to their needs, compared to 43 percent who said they were satisfied with Harvard's concern for the quality of women's life.

Answering the question, "Has Harvard given adequate attention to the concerns of minority students?" 44 percent of the non-white students answered "yes," but 36 percent said "no. Twenty percent said they were undecided.

Despite the complaints of women and minorities, they responded with overwhelming enthusiasm when asked if they would attend Harvard again. Ninety percent of the pool said they would return to the Yard for four more years, with women and minorities following the overall pattern. In other words, you may like it here, after all (Total) Yes  89% No  8% Don't Know  3% (Minorities) Yes  89% No  8% Don't Know  3%

"Roughly what percentage of your professors knew your name?" (Total) 0-25%  57% 26-50%  25% 51-75%  14% 76-100%  4% (Minorities) 0-25%  60% 26-50%  23% 51-75%  9% 76-100%  8%

"Have you ever spoken personally to President Bok?" Yes  38% No  62%

(Total) Yes   No   Don't Know  6% (Minorities) Yes  89% No  6% Don't Know  5%

"Do you feel Harvard educates with adequate consideration of the present-day, outside world?" (Total) Yes  56% No  39% Don't Know  5% (Minorities) Yes  42% No  45% Don't Know  13%

"Is a Harvard education worth thse price?" (Total) Yes  74% No  18% Don't Know  8% (Minorities) Yes  69% No  26% Don't Know  5%
