
Black Athletes


To the Editors of the Crimson:

I've been part of Phil Locke's athletic recruiting team in Southern California for fifteen years. John Power's premise that "Locke [a prominent Los Angeles alumni recruiter] does not beat the bushes in Black inner-city high schools" happens to be dead wrong.

In Orange Country, for instance, the recruiting effort has been consistent at Valley and Santa Ana, the two high schools that would definitely qualify as "inner city." We are hampered by a lack of Black alumni, especially with athletic backgrounds, on the recruiting teams. We're further hampered, however, by the tradition of top scholar-athletes in a given Black community heading to schools like U.S.C. In short, our recruiting success ratio for the athletes in such schools has never been high--but not for lack of alumni effort. Jay Murley '57   Laguna Beach, Calif.
