
Some Senior Athletes...

Sara LeBlond

The scene is Soldiers Field, the fall of 1979, and the Harvard field hockey team is playing Penn. The Crimson goalie is out of position and the Quaker forward eludes her defender and slams the ball towards the net Right halfback Sara LeBlond leaps into the goal, and stops the blast with her bare hand.

During her four-year career on the Harvard field hockey team, Co-Captain LeBlond always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, making the clutch play Although she was neither the quickest nor most talented player on the squad. LeBlond always had the ability to anticipate her opponents' next move and position herself accordingly.

"She's a real dynamo on the field." Coach Edie MacAusland said. "I only wish I had I I Sara LeBlonds on the field."

LeBlond's contributions to the team were not limited to her defensive skills. One of Harvard's most outgoing athletes, LeBlond displayed a sense of humor greatly appreciated by her teammates.

Fellow four-year veteran Anne MacMillan explained, "Sara gets along with everyone on the team. She makes everyone feel comfortable and she always keeps everyone's sprits up by telling jokes."


Looking back over her four years on the field hockey squad, the art history concentrator feels that the past season was her best. "It finally clicked together. And of course we beat Yale for the first time in three years," she said.

LeBlond's athletic involvement has not been confined to the hockey field. She played softball her first three years at Harvard and has put in a fair amount of time in the Nautilus room.

For the moment. LeBlond is unsure of her future plans. She is considering a job in a museum of coaching, but no matter which path she chooses, she plans to stay active and final a club or team for which she can continue to play field hockey.
