
300 Protest 'Police Brutality' At Boston University Rally

About 300 people rallied yesterday on Boston University's Marsh Chapel Plaza to protest what they called "the excessive use of force" by police breaking up a BU block party Saturday afternoon.

Speakers at the rally demanded that police drop charges of disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly against 50 students who were arraigned yesterday in Roxbury District Court.

They also called for full city and university investigations into charges that police indiscriminately used mace, nightclubs and attack dogs in dispersing the students, and said students would be involved in the probes.

Members of the crowd chanted "police brutality" and carried signs saying "Support the BU 50. It Could Be You," "Mace Is Not Humane," and "Animals Belong in Cages."

Ten of the arrested students had their cases dropped after admitting to "Sufficient facts" and agreed to pay $30 in court costs, the other 40 pleaded not guilty and were told to return for another hearing in May.


Police asked the Stompers, a local band performing at the party, to turn down the volume after receiving numerous complaints from neighbors. Boston Police spokesman Robert O'Toole said Sunday. When sound manager Kevin M. Marshall refused the request, police unplugged the sound equipment and arrested both Marshall and drummer Mark Cuccinello, O'Toole added.

Students responded by throwing bottles and cans at the stage and chanting for the group to continue playing, the BU Daily Free Press reported yesterday.

About 200 officers from BU. Boston, Brookline and the Metropolitan District Commission responded to a Boston police officer's call for support, and arrested 50 students.

BU's Officer of Student Life has collected over 30 eyewitness accounts from students present at the party and has made a report to University President John R. Silber, Christopher Queen, assistant dean of students, said yesterday. Queen refused to reveal the contents of the report, saying Silber would make the final decision on BU's position.

"I'm fighting it all the way," said Michael Mokrzyci, a reporter for the BU Daily Free Press who was arraigned yesterday.

"I was trying to ask a policeman what was happening when I got punched from behind in the left eye," said Mokrzyci, adding. "I was then handcuffed by a cop and dragged by my hair into a paddy wagon."

"I didn't resist," he continued "All said was, 'What have I done?"

The College of Liberal Arts Forum, a student organization, will try to organize student demonstrations of support outside the Roxbury Courthouse during the trials. Forum president Don Groton said.

The BU student government has volunteered to pay the students' legal less from a student summer activities fund. Student Union President elect Kevin McGuire added yesterday
