


To the Editors of the Crimson:

Our society has long been the champion of human rights throughout the world. Our concerns about the quality and dignity of human life have shaped our history. Yet the seem to have forgotten for to be ignoring the lessons that have come out of human rights battles such as the Civil War--who has the right to tamper with life? To take life?

Abortion is not an acceptable solution to a socially difficulty problem, that of "unwanted" pregnancy, because it is at the expenses of a human life. The pursuit of happiness cannot be supported by homicide: as we fought for human rights against the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany, so must we reject the legalized homicide that is abortion. If life is not held sacred by a society, on what basis can that society function? If we are allowed to destroy lie because of our "commitment" to ourselves, how can own lives have any essential value? The future of our society rests in us; we cannot exterminate these unborn people because they inconvenience us. Kathleen Carroll '84
