More students have applied to master's degree programs at the Devinity School this year than last, despite threatened cuts in financial, aid, Div School sources interviewed yesterday gave varying reasons for the increase, but agreed that students are beginning to see the school as a place to prepare for social work.
Because applications do not close until April, no specific figures were available yesterday. But most applications are in by now because the deadline for students who want financial aid is in February, said Lesley Crabb, assistant dean of students at the Div School, Eighty percent of Div School students receive grants or loans, she added.
Religious Revival?
"I wish I could say it's a religious revival, but I hardly believe that," said Guy V Martin, dean of students.
Master of Divinity (M. Div.) candidates prepare for "chaplaincy from hospitals to colleges to prisons to being in a parish church." he said, adding that other students attend the Div School to prepare for carcers in education or social service.
Martha L. Berry, a Master of Theological Studies candidate who plans to go into teaching, said yesterday that more and more people are attending the Div School in order to pursue social or educational work. Another student. Harold Babcock, said he though Div School students saw the ministry as a place where they could effect social change.
Babcock said he did not know why more students applied this year, especially in light of the proposed financial aid cuts. "I've had loans every year, plus a grant and I wouldn't have been able to do it without them." he said.
But another M. Div. candidate. Kirk A. Ballin said he thought people were applying to the Div School now in the hope that they still have a chance at loans. "Given the moncy situation they'd better do it now." Ballin added.
If Reagan Administration budget cuts do not pass before April 1 Div School students will be able to get loans next October. Crabb said.
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